Email Marketing Trends You Need to Know

Why Email Marketing Is Important?
April 13, 2020
Reasons to Advertise on YouTube
May 11, 2020

User-generated content is an email-stimulated trend

The definition of User-Generated Content (UGC) is any piece of content (text, images, audio, visual, etc) that is created by the (end) user or in some cases the public. Especially the gathering and showing of product reviews and customer feedback is popular in the email marketing channel.

Responsive interactivity is a valued functionality

Interactivity drives engagement. Responsive emails do well on mobile. Interactivity will go beyond just entertainment-value, in 2020 we are looking for functional interactivity. Promoting engagement, clicks, and other actions inside the email. Interactivity without consumers even having to leave the email.

Interactive email elements into 2020:

Animated buttons and calls-to-actions
Rollover effects to showcase product offerings
Interactive image and product carousels controlled by the user
Accordion features designed to make long-form emails more compact
Surveys, polls and user-generated interactive content

Accessible Content, Design and Code – puts email in a Future-proof Mode

In 2020 we will see more “smart” devices, speakers and voice assistants. These smart devices are able to read emails to consumers. Smart email marketers are already designing with accessibility in mind and picking up on auditory CTA’s.

Email marketing Automation full steam ahead

Email marketing automation as a part of your full marketing strategy is a fast-moving train that cannot be stopped. Brands are using automation in all customer lifecycle stages and the number of workflows will increase. The reason is that Marketing software providers unlock more data, have improved statistical models and offer cross-channel optimization.